Sunday, July 22, 2012

Come on, Baby, photo safari... come on a safari with me...

So on Friday, I decided it was time to get serious about my photo safari.  All of the photos in this blog entry were taken with my iPhone.

Every morning, I walk 2 blocks from the dining hall in Warren Towers to the BU Bus stop, and I pass by this fountain.  But I wasn't noticing it. On Friday, however, I was looking for photo opportunities, and suddenly it was there. The whole world looks different when I look at it with a photographer's eyes.

We had a short break at lunch, before Brian gave his presentation, so I decided to use that time to take some pictures. It gave me a great excuse to grab some alone time and listen to some music, too.  There was a neighborhood we walked through the other day that had really cool wrought iron railings, and I did not take pictures, so I quickly walked back over there to get some shots.  Here's what I saw during lunch.

Boston has a subway, the T, but is also has the Hubway, where you can rent a bike to ride anywhere in the city. There are Hubway stations all over. This one is near the Boston University Department of Public Health.

They also have a lot of old-fashioned street lamps here. These probably have LED bulbs now, but I can totally imagine them being fueled by gas back in the early 1900's, can't you?

Blunch is a sandwich shop about 2 blocks from where we have class in the mornings.  They can give you ANY of their sandwiches on GLUTEN FREE BREAD.  You can guess where I will be getting my lunches most of the time for the next three weeks... I also found out that the Rhetty To Go lunches we can pick up in the dining hall can also be made on gluten free bread. So, I'm starting to see an end to this daily salad for lunch rut, which has already gotten old.

This is the neighborhood I was looking for.  It's one of the nicer streets on the south end, according to one of my classmates. I love the combination of the handrails and the blue doors here.

Here is a shot looking down the street. Almost every house has a different style of wrought iron railing, which I think gives the street a lot of character. Boston is way too big for me, but if I had to live here, I would want to live on this street.

These buildings are also very near our classroom. I love the architecture here. Something about the roofline just feels so old-fashioned to me.

This is New China, a little one-room takeout place near the classroom. The food is pretty good there, but I like this shot because of the repetitive pattern in the buildings. They seem to go on forever...

After lunch, we head over to the data lab, which is in the University's Medical library, about 2 blocks away. Every day we pass by the emergency room, and I look up at these walkways which remind me of hamster tubes.

And just across the street from the library is this little building. I just really like the wrought-iron railing on these little balconies.

So, that's my photo safari from Friday afternoon.  Later in the day, I walked across the Charles River to Cambridge, and then had dinner down by the river at sunset with my classmates. I've got a bunch of photos from those events, but it's bedtime, so they will have to wait for tomorrow's blog entry. Tomorrow I plan to go to the Museum of Fine Art, where I will not be able to take pictures inside, so it will be nice to have more pictures from Friday to blog about.


  1. I especially like the shot of the residential neighborhood taken down the sidewalk.

  2. That was a great virtual tour! I really like your urban photo safari concept. Can't wait to see where you go next :-)

  3. I love how much you share, my sistah! And you write well, too! Awesome!

    Ginny Brown
